We are so glad to have you visit Covenant!
Covenant Presbyterian is a warm, friendly, loving community of faith that seeks to love and serve God and others. Our congregation is diverse and open to all. We value building relationships, studying the Bible, faith-filled worship, listening for God’s Word and applying it to our daily lives, serving others through outreach and mission, and raising up the next generation. We seek God first in all we do and strive to lead Christ-like lives as we grow in our discipleship.
There are opportunities and ministries for all ages. Whether you are retired or working, married or single, young or young at heart, we have a variety of ways for you to learn and grow in your faith as well as serve God and others.
Please join us for our Sunday Worship service at 10:30 AM.
For directions to our campus click here.
What is the worship service like?
Our service follows a Presbyterian liturgy (a prescribed form of worship), including singing hymns and songs, a Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, Offering, and readings from the Old and New Testament. The center of our worship is the sermon, in which we explore how Scripture informs the real experiences of our lives and shapes us as people.
How long does the service last?
The service lasts about one hour.
What should I wear to church?
Excuse the cliche, but come as you are. You are welcome to attend in comfortable attire. We have a diverse congregation, and you will see a variety of styles: from jeans to sport coats. We want you to feel comfortable and to know you are welcome here.
Where should I park and where should I go when I arrive?
Visitor spaces are marked near the entrance near the portico. A greeter will meet you at two entrance doors. Visit our welcome center at the main entrance to pick up information about our church, programs, and activities.
What about my children?
We are a multigenerational church and children are invited to attend the service with you. Inside our sanctuary, we have setup our Pray Ground area: a designated play area where you can sit with your young children. We also have a staffed nursery for age 3 and under. Following the Time For Young Disciples, children age 4 through 3rd grade are welcome to attend Children’s Chapel to engage in the rhythms and rituals of worship, hear and explore God’s Word through story and reflection, and give praise through song, prayers, and offering.
What does it mean to belong to or be a part of Covenant Presbyterian Church?
Our church is a member of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. We recognize two sacraments: baptism and the Lord's Supper. We celebrate the Lord's Supper the first weekend of every month. We baptize infants as well as adults. We ordain men and women as elders and pastors.
To learn more about Covenant, please check out our About Us page.